Latest Announcements



We are seeking a part-time pianist/accompanist to help lead our worship services.  For more info, click below:

Pianist / Accompanist Info


2024-2025 Upward Basketball & Cheerleading registration begins Oct 1st.  To Register online, click below:

2024-25 Upward Online Registration

Our Services

Sunday SERVICES – 11AM, 6:30PM

Weekly in-person services

11AM service also streamed live on our Facebook and Youtube pages:

Youtube Live Stream   

Facebook Live Stream 


Children and youth activities


Mid-Week devotion and prayer service for adults

Children and Youth Activities for All Ages!


Tim Wade

Senior Pastor

Chris Ratliff

Youth Director

Phillip Smith

Minister of Music

Jennifer Hamilton


We’re There for You!

At Boone’s Creek, our staff is committed to being faithful to God’s word and serving our community.  We word hard to make sure that everything we do is done to the best of our abilities in order to point people to our glorious savior!  Check out our staff page for more information about each one of our wonderful staff members.

Meet Our Staff



God created the world and everything in it, including us! (Genesis 1:1) He declared his creation to be good, and it was. Initially the world had not been tainted by the effects of sin, which includes every form of suffering. As creator, God is ruler of all creation, and all creation is obligated to be subject to Him, our al-powerful, all-knowing, holy God.


Despite man’s obligation to obey and love God, man rebelled and plunged the world into the curse of sin through disobedience. All men are now sinners, enemies of God in rebellion against Him. Our sin has broken our relationship with God and condemns us to an eternal hell.


In order to reconcile us to Himself, restore our relationship, and forgive us of our sin, God sent his only Son, Jesus, to live a perfectly sinless life. He obeyed all the laws that we would break, and then was crucified on the cross, where he not only endured physical death, but experienced the just wrath of God for our sins. After he died, he was buried, and raised again on the third day. He ascended to heaven and now waits to return and establish his kingdom.


Jesus said that no man comes to the father except through Him. (John 14:6) Because of his sinless perfection, atoning sacrifice, and resurrection, trust in His finished work is the only way to heaven. Therefore, all people are called to confess with their mouth that Jesus is Lord, and believe in their hearts that God has raised Him from the dead. (Romans 10:9-10) All those that submit their life to Christ in this way will receive eternal life!

If you would like to speak with someone about the gospel, or have questions that you would like to have answered, please do not hesitate to contact us.  We would be happy to speak with you.

Our History

Boone’s Creek Baptist Church was organized in 1785 by Elders John Talyor and John Tanner with 18 original members.  Prominant among the founders were Daniel Boone’s brother Samuel with wife Sarah. We remain a beacon for for Christ and sanctuary for the sinner some 235 years later. 


From the forward of our Church History documented for our bi-centennail in 1985:

Histories are written by the people who live them, and are recorded by those who wish to learn from the experiences of their forebearers something about the legacy they have inherited. Those persons who are members of Boone’s Creek Baptist Church in its 200th year can take comfort in the knowledge that theirs is a rich tradition, made so by the faith, determination, courage, and character of those who passed this way since 1785. While the church has certainly had its tedious times and moments of contention, the Lord has never left its side, and it stands today in this community as a monument to what the will of God can do when His people accept that will and follow his pathway.

November 1985

Historical Marker

As part of the church’s bicentennial celebration in 1985, Tim Capps wrote a historical summary of our church history.  This summary can be accessed by clicking on the following link:

History of Boone’s Creek Baptist Church