Wednesday Evening Activities (for all ages!)
Wednesday Evening Activities have returned to a full schedule of mid-week activities. Prayer Meeting (in the sanctuary), TeamKids and Youth are all meeting now starting at 6:30pm. There is something for the entire family, and we hope to see you there.
Extended Session
Exended Session is now available for toddlers through Pre-K, during our 11am service. Parents, we ask that you make sure that your child is not ill or running a fever before bringing them to Extended Session, in order to keep everyone safe. We will also ask the you sign your child in and out of extended session. Please see Cindy Parker if you have questions about Extended Session.
Attention Youth!
Youth growth is meeting each Wednesday evening at 6:30pm. Youth group will be in the youth room and socially distanced. Please see Chris Ratliff if you have any questions about Wednesday night youth group.
D-Group Meetings – Weekly Thursday evenings at 7pm
D-Group (a discipleship opportunity for women) is now meeting weekly on Thursday evenings at 7pm. Contact Lauren Wade for details and information.
Monthly Business Meeting
Our next regularly scheduled business meeting will be February 9, 2025 during our 6:30 pm worship service.